Monday, February 10, 2025
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Frost & Sullivan

New Growth Opportunities in a Contracting Global Economy

Frost & Sullivan : New Growth Opportunities in a Contracting Global Economy Cross-industry collaboration, reduced taxes, and low interest rates key to expediting recovery from...

Frost & Sullivan Assesses Impact of Autonomous Cars and EVs on Test & Measurement Market

ADAS testing is estimated to experience the most growth, totaling $659.9 million by 2025 SANTA CLARA, California, May 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- As the global automotive industry experiences...

Technology Collaboration: New Growth Opportunities for Automotive OEMs

Future business models must be based on individuality, as vehicles become the new living space, finds Frost & Sullivan's Mobility team LONDON, Dec. 22, 2016...

Learning Management Systems and Lecture Capture Solutions

LMS and LCS enable employees to meet their career goals and build loyalty, finds Frost & Sullivan's Digital Transformation team LONDON, Dec. 20, 2016 /PRNewswire/...

Booming Asia-Pacific Financial Technology

To remain competitive, players must align business vision with technology goals, rethink strategies, and redefine customer value proposition SINGAPORE, Nov. 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The...

Verint Receives 2016 Frost & Sullivan India ICT Contact Center Application Vendor of the Year Award

New Delhi: Verint Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: VRNT) has been recognized as the “Contact Center Application Vendor of the Year” during Frost & Sullivan’s India ICT Awards ceremony...

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