Estrade Media Pte. Ltd., recently concluded the Estrade Education Conclave & Awards 2017 – Singapore, on 25th March 2017. Team Estrade got an exclusive opportunity to speak to Dr. Mallikarjun G Hiremath is the Principal and Ex-Officio Secretary of Karnataka Law Society’s Gogte College of Commerce.
He has been an educator since September 1979 and for the past 37 years of service he has empowered new generation of students into industry professionals. Dr. Mallikarjun G Hiremath is the recipient of very prestigious national and international awards, some of which are namely, Honorary Doctorate Award, “D.Litt.” from University of South America, India International Education Excellence Achievers Award, Uzbekistan (USSR), Bharath Shiksha Ratan Award from GSHEG, New Delhi, just to name a few. He Chairs various committees and organisations, and, is also known to do a lot of volunteer work. Following are the excerpts of Team Estrade’s conversation with Dr. Hiremath.
How do you feel on receiving the award?
Thank you, I am delighted to receive the award.
How do you see the growth of Education and Skill Development initiatives in India Today?
In India, these initiatives are very much encouraging for youth and innovators. These have created great Opportunities for new generation of innovative educators.
“Education Sector should be free from the hands of politics”
Your views on the challenges faced by the Education and Skill Development industry?
Education Sector should be free from the hands of politics & due recognition to Academicians must be given on appropriate platform.
Your views on the ever changing demands in Job/Employment market that affects Education and Skill Development industry?
In the current time, it is now survival of the best performer/s in all sectors.
How do you see the growth of Education and Skill Development initiatives in India Today?
They need to be best advertised, so as to reach the layman and should have clarity on the scheme of skill development efforts.
What’s your view on the demand for skilled professionals in both the organized and unorganized parts across sectors?
There is demand and also place for the best performers. So far, the supply is not being created in a structured way.
“FDI is welcome change in Education Sector for socio-educational benefits of country”
There is so much stress on Engineering, Medical and MBA programs, a lot of this has been fuelled by the IT industry and related fields in our country, is this the only way to move ahead?
This is a wrong perception; there are equal opportunities in all sectors.
Do you see FDI in the Education sector coming to India in a big way? The sector has done really well over the years after all, so, any investments would be a safe bet. Your views.
FDI is welcome change in Education Sector for socio-educational benefits of country
Which segment, the Education industry or the Skill Development industry, is expected to see a surge over the next 2 years?
Both are supplementary and complimentary to each other.
Is Education for all commercially viable? How job related skill development can be made a part of this, at all levels?
Investment Participation with number of Industry-Institution programmes is highly desirable in Educational system. This helps both the industry and the academy to stay in sync with each other.
What is the key change you strongly feel that the Government must do in policy?
Regulate, supervise and support the needs of Education sector through body of experts. The policy must have vision, structure and clarity to evolve with the future requirements.
“Mismatch in identity and engagement into the tasks, are the main challenges”
Digitization has been a key technology disrupter in various industries. How it is affecting the Education sector?
It should be seen as constructor and not as destructor, every change is desired. Improvements in technology have brought in more opportunities in the sector.
What is the biggest challenge faced by the Education and Skill Development sectors in India? How do you propose the country should address this challenge?
Mismatch in identity and engagement into the tasks, are the main challenges. This can be overcome through flexibility in learning methodologies.
How do we inculcate environmental and social sustainability aspects in the education of students?
Inducting value based education and creating awareness of the probable dangers of the future, through cases and examples of affected individuals and countries.
What is your ultimate goal when it comes to your work? What do you want your institution/ self to be remembered for?
My mission is to promote, build and support the academic institutions for future ready professionals.
What advice would you give to students and job seekers today?
Students should not forget their older generation’s past, challenges and values; there is a lot of learning available from their experience. They should strive to be educated for future requirement.
“Education & Skill Dev. supplement & compliment eachother” – Dr. Mallikarjun G Hiremath
“Education & Skill Dev. supplement and compliment eachother” – Dr. Mallikarjun G Hiremath